Dr Lee Yik Voon was elected as SMA President during the SMA Annual General Meeting (AGM), held at the Alumni Medical Centre on 15 April 2018.
Outgoing President Dr Wong Tien Hua began the proceedings by thanking SMA Members for attending the AGM. He highlighted several important developments in 2017, including the inception of the Ministry of Health's Fee Benchmarks Advisory Committee (of which SMA is a member of), successful advocacy efforts by the three professional bodies (Academy of Medicine Singapore, College of Family Physicians Singapore and SMA) on managed care issues, and the organisation of the inaugural Singapore Medical Week by SMA.
Dr Wong also thanked the various SMA representatives for volunteering their services and the secretariat staff for ensuring the smooth operations of SMA. He highlighted that it was a pleasure and honour to serve as SMA President for the past three years.
Honorary Secretary Dr Lim Kheng Choon referred members to the SMA Annual Report 2017/2018, which is themed "Stronger Together". Next, Honorary Treasurer Dr Loo Kai Guo Benny presented the accounts for SMA, highlighting a surplus of $315,000 for 2017.
Adj Prof Tan Sze Wee, Chairperson of SMA Pte Ltd (SMAPL), highlighted SMAPL's main role of investing returns from SMA's surplus. SMAPL recently invested another $1 million into the investment portfolio. A donation of $78,000 was also made to the SMA Charity Fund (SMACF).
Dr Wong Chiang Yin, one of the SMACF board members, highlighted the need for SMACF to raise more donations to meet the proposed target of $450,000. These donations are mainly used to provide support for the living expenses of needy medical students across all three local medical schools.
Members present affirmed the SMA Council's proposal to elect Minister for Health Mr Gan Kim Yong as an SMA Honorary Member. The Honorary Membership was conferred during the SMA Annual Dinner held on 12 May 2018.
Members present also affirmed the re-appointment of the following members as trustees for the SMA Trust Fund for a three-year term from 2018 to 2021: A/Prof Cheong Pak Yean, Dr Lee Pheng Soon, Prof Low Cheng Hock, Dr Tan Kok Soo and Dr Tan Yew Ghee.
Also brought up during the AGM was the impending expiry of SMA's lease with the Alumni Association (AA) at 2 College Road, including the chronology of communication with AA.
Elections for the 59th SMA Council were then conducted. Dr Ng Chew Lip, a new member to the SMA Council, also made a short introduction. Dr Ng is currently an ENT associate consultant in the public sector. The SMA Council looks forward to serving members and the medical community, for the betterment of healthcare for all Singaporeans.