Train & Place Program Account
As Singapore continues to build our healthcare capabilities to meet rising demands from an ageing population, there are increasing expectations for quality healthcare services from the public and private sectors. More than 3,000 private clinics are working alongside public healthcare institutions to provide essential primary care services to the Singapore population.
The SMA Clinic Assistant Place and Train Programme, which targets individuals who are currently unemployed and eager to return to the workforce, seeks to support the manpower needs of the healthcare industry.
The 3 Components Of Clinic Assistant Place & Train Programme
Job placement opportunities Provided to work in a clinics/healthcare institutions through face-to-face and online avenues, where candidates will be matched with potential employers for discussion and selection for employment.
3-day Clinic Assistant Introductory Skills Course Tailored to give the newly hired clinic assistants a comprehensive and hands-on experience to the work of a clinic assistant in a clinic setting.
3-week Clinic Assistant Introductory Skills On-the-Job Training Designed to monitor the clinic assistant's quality of work, proper use of tools, job knowledge, safety consciousness and interpersonal skills.
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