A Night in Appreciation

Benjamin Ong

On 2 February 2023, the SMA Publications department hosted a combined appreciation dinner for both the SMA News and Singapore Medical Journal (SMJ) editorial boards at Novotel Singapore on Stevens. Attended as well by SMA President Dr Tan Yia Swam and SMA Vice-President Dr Ng Chee Kwan, the appreciation dinner was our editorial boards' first in-person gathering since the outbreak of the pandemic. In fact, for many on the editorial boards, this was their first time meeting each other face to face!

We dug into a hearty eight-course feast, supplemented by fine wines brought by the board members themselves. Dr Tan Yia Swam, SMJ Editor Adj Prof Poh Kian Keong, SMA News Editor Dr Tina Tan each shared their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the hard work put in by both board's members. It being the 12th day of the Lunar New Year, each table also engaged in the Chinese festive ritual of tossing yusheng (rawfish salad) and wishing each other blessings for the year ahead.

Indeed, these past years have been tumultuous for both SMA News and SMJ. After all, it is no small feat to manage the workload of a doctor and that of an editorial board member at the same time. Several members of the editorial boards were instated during the pandemic, adapting to their new responsibilities as they struggled with the trials of COVID-19. SMJ in particular has recently undergone many structural changes, including going paperless and engaging Wolters Kluwer Medknow as the journal's publisher. We thankthe editorial board members of both publications for their hard work, time and dedication.

The atmosphere at the dinner was so convivial and relaxed that many chattered away like old friends. Board members shared stories and little anecdotes of their lives, laughing at the amusing tales and commiserating with each other's experiences. Our dinner guests mingled freely and happily between SMA News and SMJ, truly epitomising the unity of the SMA family.

As the hour grew late, our board members began to take their leave. Though we wished that our time together could have lasted longer, work still awaited us all the next day. The editorial board members bade each other farewell with joyous camaraderie in their hearts. We look forward to many more meetings, and may each be sweeter than the last!

SMJ Editor (third from left, seated), board members and staff at dinner


SMA News Editor (third from left, seated), guests and staff before the lo-hei