Highlights from the Honorary Secretary

Lim Kheng Choon

#sgArtForHCW campaign

Our healthcare workers (HCWs) are fighting a war against the coronavirus (COVID-19). They are working long hours, under tough conditions wearing personal protective equipment, with little rest, and restricted water and toilet breaks.

Our HCWs face uncertainty, fear and stress. Some HCWs are even discriminated against by the public because of their uniform and this has severely affected their morale. We must thus come together as a nation to support each other. No one should fight alone.

You can now show support and encouragement through your artwork. Submit words and drawings of encouragement, show that you care and wish them well. Let's overcome this together as a nation.

To submit your artworks:

Write down your words of encouragement or create artwork for our frontline healthcare workers. Upload it to your Instagram or Facebook account as a public post with the hashtag #sgartforhcw, or submit to us via https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V2XPK5N.

The submissions received can be viewed at http://bit.ly/3cxaxgv. Submissions will also be shared on SMA's Facebook group.

SMA’s donation to LKCMedicine Advancement Fund

We are delighted to announce a $15,000 donation to the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine) Advancement Fund. As part of this initiative, an SMA Outstanding Scholarly Project Prize will be awarded.

This new collaboration adds on to SMA and SMA Charity Fund's ongoing support of our local medical schools, alongside the Wong Hock Boon-SMACF Outstanding Mentor Awards at National University of Singapore Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, and SMA-Lee Foundation Awards at Duke-NUS Medical School.

SMA representation on MOH Healthcare Ethics Capability Committee

Dr Anantham Devanand, a member of the SMA Council, has been appointed as member of the Healthcare Ethics Capability Committee (HECC).

The HECC's terms of reference will primarily be to (i) oversee the implementation of the training roadmap, including reviewing and approving suitable new training programmes, and (ii) review and update the clinical ethic competency framework for healthcare professionals.

We congratulate Dr Devanand on his appointment.

Lim Kheng Choon is the Honorary Secretary of the 60th SMA Council. He is currently a consultant at Singapore General Hospital.
