Joint CFPS-SMA engagement session
The College of Family Physicians Singapore (CFPS) and SMA organised a joint engagement session on 13 April 2019 for CFPS and SMA Members to provide feedback regarding informed consent and the Singapore Medical Council disciplinary process. The session was jointly organised with a Ministry of Health (MOH) Workgroup that was formed to review and make recommendations regarding the two abovementioned areas.
We thank Members for attending the session and for their valuable feedback and inputs. If Members wish to provide feedback to the MOH Workgroup, you can send an email to
Opening ceremony for SMA office
SMA's new office was officially opened on 25 April 2019 by Dr Beh Swan Gin, Chairman of the Economic Development Board. Dr Beh unveiled a plaque with SMA Council Members in attendance.
SMA shifted to 2985 Jalan Bukit Merah, #02-2C, SMF Building, Singapore 159457 with effect from 3 August 2018.

2019 SAPI Code of Conduct
The Singapore Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (SAPI) has released the 2019 edition of the SAPI Code of Conduct.
Major changes include additions to Article 7.5.1 "Prohibition of Cash & Personal Gifts" and 7.5.2 "Gifts", which took effect from 1 February 2019. We recommend that SMA Members take note of the new prohibitions.
The Code can be accessed at: