At tumour board reviews, one of the residents will present the patient's clinical history, a radiologist will highlight the relevant imaging, and the pathologist will then point out critical points in the biopsy or surgical specimen that will affect subsequent management (eg, equivocal diagnosis of invasive vs pre-invasive cancers, margins). This is relevant to recommendations for additional surgery, or need for chemotherapy. It helps when my dear pathologists at KK Women's and Children's Hospital, namely Dr Gudi Mihir, Dr Lim-Tan, Dr Chew Sung Hock and Dr Leong May Ying, zoom in on where exactly the cancer cells are. Otherwise, what goes through my mind when I look at the big picture would be similar to what you are about to read on the next page. Dr Jipson Quah has collated some classical images of common diagnoses, and I have allowed my creative mind to wander and daydream a bit. What do YOU see?