Reflecting on Our Impact: Fundraising in 2023

Ronnie Cheok

At the heart of Singapore's medical community is the SMA Charity Fund (SMACF), a beacon of hope and support for aspiring medical students. The year 2023 bore witness to a series of transformative fundraising campaigns, each designed to address the specific needs of the initiatives and honour the legacies of remarkable individuals.

From the enduring legacy donations such as the heartfelt "In Memory of Dr Michael Toh Kok Kuan" campaign and the impactful "SMA-Mdm Lee Na Na Medical Students' Assistance Fund", to our annual fundraising initiatives, our primary objective remains unwavering: to support underprivileged medical students, allowing them to focus on their studies without the burden of financial constraints that hinder their aspirations of becoming the doctors of tomorrow.

Additionally, we are proud to highlight the heartening "Women Inspiring Women Fundraising Campaign", spearheaded by Dr Chua Yang. Dr Chua's visionary initiative featured a poignant photobook showcasing one hundred sets of remarkable mothers and daughters in healthcare. The mothers featured have dedicated their lives to serving those in their most vulnerable moments of pain or illness, becoming sources of inspiration for their daughters who have also chosen to follow in their footsteps into the field of healthcare.

Through these endeavours and SMACF's ongoing initiatives, we showcase the medical fraternity's rich tapestry of diversity and unwavering support, underscoring our collective commitment to fostering a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

The collective generosity of our donors, volunteers and supporters has enabled SMACF to raise an inspiring total of $377,255 in 2023, excluding grants. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the unwavering commitment and compassion of the entire community towards nurturing the next generation of medical professionals.

As we reflect on the impact of these campaigns, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who played a role, big and small, in making a difference. Together, we have not only raised funds but also built a community of support and encouragement for medical students.

Moving forward, let us continue to stand united in our mission to support and uplift aspiring medical professionals, ensuring that no dream goes unrealised. We express our sincere thanks to all who have contributed to the success of SMACF's 2023 fundraising campaigns. Your generosity has made a profound difference in the lives of deserving individuals.

Do keep a lookout for our 2024 campaigns at

If you are interested in collaborating on a campaign, please email us at

SMACF fundraising highlights

Ronnie Cheok Deputy Manager, SMA Charity Fund


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