Highlights from the Honorary Secretary

Benny Loo Kai Guo

Letter to Straits Times Forum on healthcare insurance

SMA submitted a letter to the Straits Times Forum, responding to several forum letters and commentary articles relating to healthcare insurance, specifically regarding Integrated Shield Plans (IPs).

Our letter touched on several points and concluded that to address the issue of power imbalance between IP insurers and policyholders, stakeholders and regulators could look into whether changes in insurance design, such as the portability of IPs, would be beneficial. If policyholders can change their IPs without losing coverage for pre-existing conditions, it could promote healthy competition among insurers and ensure that policyholders get a fair deal.

The forum letter was published on 27 April 2024 and can be found at this link: https://bit.ly/3yKaldj.

Called to See Patient workshop

The SMA Doctors-in-Training (DIT) Committee held the annual Called to See Patient workshop on 27 April 2024 for newly minted house officers (HOs) joining the medical workforce. With over 300 participants joining the online Zoom session, we hope the HOs took away valuable information which will be helpful to them along their career path, especially on their first day of work. A summarised slide deck of the session is available via our DIT Telegram channel at: https://t.me/helpourjuniordocs.

Benny Loo Kai Guo is a paediatrician in public service with special interest in sport and exercise medicine. He serves to see the smiles on every child and athlete, and he looks forward to the company of his wife and children at the end of every day.
