SMACF BOD Biography - TSW

Professor Tan Sze Wee                         

Member of Finance Committee
Director of SMA Charity Fund since 2013.


Professor Tan Sze Wee has been a director of the SMA Charity Fund since 2013.

Professor Tan Sze Wee is currently the Executive Director of A*STAR’s Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC).

Professor Tan’s career in A*STAR began in 2009, where he held the appointment of Programme Director of the Medical Technology initiative in SERC. His next appointment was as Director of SERC’s Strategic Initiatives, where he oversaw all SERC cluster-led R&D development. He also provided leadership for SERC’s cross-cutting programmes such as the Thematic Research Programme and the Joint Laboratories programme with the local universities and concurrently spearheaded the Healthcare and Lifestyle (H&L) Programme in A*STAR.

In October 2012, Professor Tan was promoted to Deputy Executive Director in the Biomedical Research Council (BMRC). His experience with the SERC Research Institutes (RIs) enabled BMRC to engage companies in these industry sectors holistically, cross-promoting the multi-disciplinary capabilities available at both Councils to meet the needs of companies. He helped to pave the way for growth of A*STAR’s engagements with companies in the Food & Nutrition, Medical Technology and Consumer Care sectors with leading MNCs like GE Healthcare, Nestle, Coca Cola and P&G.

Professor Tan is Adjunct Professor at Nanyang Technological University’s (NTU) School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering and Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, as well as an Adjunct Associate Professor at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore. He is also Chairman of the Singapore Stanford Biodesign Steering Committee, and member of the steering committee of Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore.

Professor Tan was formerly the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Rockeby Biomed Limited. Prior to joining Rockeby, he was the Asia-Pacific Associate Regional Medical Director (Asia Regional Office) for Mead Johnson Nutritionals, a division of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company from 1997 to 2001. Professor Tan was a former Nominated Member of Parliament of Singapore.

Professor Tan is a Board Member to the Singapore Maritime Institute, Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine Singapore Ltd (TCOMS) and Centre for Quantum Technologies in Singapore and is a council member of the Singapore Medical Association (SMA), as well as a board director for SMA Pte Ltd.

Professor Tan has served as an advisory member to the Singapore National Eye Centre’s Ophthalmic Technologies Incubator Advisory Board, as well as Singapore Technologies Engineering Health-Tech Science and Business Advisory Board.

Professor Tan graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery from the National University of Singapore (NUS), and attained his Masters of Business Administration from Warwick University, UK. He attended the Stanford Executive Programme at the Stanford Graduate School Business. He is an affiliate member of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, UK. He is a registered medical practitioner with the Singapore Medical Council and the Hong Kong Medical Council.


The above information is accurate as at 26 July 2018.


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