Register for your Clinic Assistant today!
Course Objective
- To help clinics save time and resources to train their new clinic assistants.
- To provide foundation skills for candidates that do not have working experience in the healthcare sector.
- To enhance the skillsets of current clinic assistants to increase job effectiveness and satisfaction.
- To integrate practical training techniques that support continuous professional development for existing clinic assistants.
Course Content
- Overview of the Healthcare System
- Role of Healthcare Assistant
- Monitoring Vital Signs
- Collecting and Dispatching Specimens
- Chronic Diseases
- Managing Infection Control
- Workplace Safety and Health Related issues
- Common Clinic Processes
- Basic Skills in Drug Dispensing
- Effective Communication Skills
- Healthcare Schemes and Clinic Systems
3 days
2024-2025 Course Intake
5 to 7 Nov 2024
4 to 6 Feb 2025
- 6 to 8 May 2025
- 5 to 7 Aug 2025
Course Fee
S$850.20 (inclusive of 9% GST) (From 28/11/2024 onwards, all prices will include 9% GST under SMAPL) (This courses is supported by both UTAP funding and SFC)
To register and for further enquiries
Please contact Spencer Soh or Denise Tan
Telephone : 6540 9196 or 6540 9195
Email :
Website :
To REGISTER, please download and email the completed registration form with payment to
Funding Support for Self-Sponsored Participants:
1) UTAP Funding
The Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) provides NTUC members with financial support for skills upgrading. NTUC members can receive a 50% reimbursement of their out-of-pocket course fee, up to $250 per calendar year. This reimbursement covers the course fee (including GST) but excludes materials, registration, and other miscellaneous fees.
Steps to apply for UTAP funding:
- Complete the course registration form and make full payment via PayNow.
- Email the completed form and payment screenshot to us.
- After the course ends, submit your UTAP claim via the UTAP system within 6 months to receive your 50% reimbursement on the unfunded course fee.
2) SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)
SkillsFuture Credit supports lifelong learning by providing Singaporeans aged 25 and above with an opening credit of $500 to use for approved courses.
Steps to use SkillsFuture Credit:
- Fill in the course registration form and email it to SMA.
- SMA will send you an invoice for the course fee.
- Log in to MySkillsFuture via SingPass to submit your SFC claim and select Singapore Medical Association Pte Ltd as the training provider.
- Take a screenshot of your SFC claim submission and payment details. If your SFC claim does not cover the full course fee, you will need to top up the remaining amount.
- Email the SFC claim screenshot and payment details to SMA.
3) SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) + UTAP Funding
Please log in to determine your eligibility to the selected course. Certain courses are meant for a restricted audience and may be unavailable for you. For further information, please visit the
FAQ page.