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This site is supported by Health ONE DO YOU KNOW ... ABOUT MEDISAVE-CUM-SUBSIDED OUTPATIENT SCHEME (1)? Introduction You and your dependants will receive medical benefits under the Medisave-cum-Subsidised Outpatient Scheme if you join service on or after 1 Jan 94 or have opted for this scheme. This medical benefit scheme is one where the Civil Service provides you with an additional Medisave contribution of 1% of your monthly salary for your inpatient medical benefits. You can use this 1% Medisave contribution to pay for yours and your dependants’ inpatient medical bills, and/or to purchase low cost medical insurance eg. MediShield or MediShield Plus approved under the Medisave Regulations. In addition, you will also receive subsidies for yours and your dependants’ outpatient medical treatments up to a subsidy of $350 per calendar year. Outpatient Treatment Co-Payment Rates When you and your dependants obtain outpatient medical treatment at a Government Polyclinic, Specialist Outpatient Clinic or Government/Restructured Hospital, the Civil Service will subsidise your medical treatment based on the following rates with the remaining portion co-paid by you. Your Co-payment Government’s Subsidy* Your own bill 15% 85% Your eligible dependants’ bill 40% 60% Table 1: Co-Payment Rates for Outpatient Expenses * The subsidy will not be for non-subsidised items ie. officer pays in full for such items. The maximum subsidy for yours and your dependants’ outpatient medical expenses is capped at $350 per calendar year. Treatment at Specialist Outpatient Clinics The First Consultation incurred at a Specialist Outpatient Clinic will be subsidised if you are referred from a Government or private clinic. Government or private clinic. If you do not have a referral, you will pay the First Consultation Fee in full. However, you will be subsidised for the charges on other items eg. medicine and investigations, and for repeat consultations. Treatment at Private Clinics You will also receive subsidies at the co-payment rates listed at Table 1 if you receive outpatient medical treatment at a private medical clinic. The subsidy you will receive is capped at $10 per visit. Purchase of Non-Standard Medication You will receive subsidies for your purchases of non-standard drugs if: (i) the drug was prescribed by a Government or Restructured Hospital doctor; and (ii) the drug was purchased at a pharmacy run by a Government or Restructured Hospital. Non-standard drugs purchased from private pharmacies are not subsidised. Additional Medisave Contribution The Civil Service will pay an additional 1% CPF contribution into your Medisave account every month. You can use this additional tax-free contribution to meet your hospitalisation expenses and you are not required to make a similar contribution. The 1% additional contribution is calculated based on your total monthly salary, subject to a salary limit to $7,000 per month. The 1% contribution will also be given for additional wages (eg. 13th month pay) subject to a maximum of 5 months’ additional pay per calendar year. You may use this additional Medisave contribution to pay for your hospital bills in any class of ward and hospital, including a private hospital of your choice. You may also use the additional Medisave contribution to pay for your spouse’s, children’s or parents’ hospital bills, subject to the CPF regulations on Medisave withdrawal. Medical Insurance You are encouraged to take up medical insurance (eg. MediShield or MediShield Plus) for you and your dependants using the additional 1% Medisave contribution. MediShield/MediShield Plus MediShield and MediShield Plus are low-cost medical insurance schemes managed by the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board which help you and your dependants pay for your hospital bills. CPF members (Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents) up to 75 years old can be covered under MediShield or MediShield Plus. MediShield covers a large portion of the daily hospitalisation expenses in Class “B2” or “C” wards. MediShield Plus meets a significant portion of the hospitalisation expenses in Class “A1” or “B1” wards, but costs more. Both MediShield and MediShield Plus work on a co-insurance arrangement, where you pay 20% of the claimable amount and MediShield or MediShield Plus pays the remaining 20%. All CPF members are automatically covered under the MediShield, unless they have earlier decided not to participate. If you have opted out of MediShield and you wish to rejoin the scheme or apply for MediShield Plus, simply fill up an application form obtainable from the CPF Board. For more enquiries on MediShield/MediShield Plus, please contact the CPF Board at 1800-2262223 (Toll-free). Getting Your Medical Benefits Identification Documents O PS Card You will need to show that you are a civil servant eligible for outpatient medical benefit subsidies by producing your PS Card (Public Sector Smart Card) whenever you visit a Government Polyclinic or Specialist Outpatient Clinic for outpatient treatment. You have to return your PS Card to your Ministry when you leave the Service and are no longer eligible for medical benefits. O Civil Service Card Your dependants will each be issued with a Civil Service Card to identify them as dependants eligible for subsidised outpatient medical treatment. The Civil Service Card is valid for two years or until your dependants cease to be eligible for subsidies, whichever is earlier. You have to return your dependants’ Civil Service Cards to your Ministry when you leave the Service or your dependants cease to be eligible for medical benefits. If you are a woman officer who joins service on or after 1 Jan 94 and your spouse is also a civil servant, you can apply to enjoy medical benefits as a dependants. You will not be eligible for medical benefits in your own right thereafter. You can continue to use your PS Card to claim for medical benefits and will not be issued with a Civil Service Card if you opt to enjoy medical benefits as a dependant. O Medical Benefits Identity Memo If you need to seek subsidised outpatient medical treatment before you receive your PS Card, you should request your Ministry to issue to you a medical Benefits Identity Memo, a temporary identity document for obtaining subsidised treatment. O Loss of PS Card or Civil Service Card If either your PS Card or your dependant’s Civil Service Card is lost, you should make a police report and inform you Ministry as soon as possible. Your ministry will issue a new PS Card to you and a new Civil Service Card to your dependant. You will have to pay an administrative charge to replace the PS Card or Civil Service Card. While waiting for the replacement card, you may request for a Medical Benefits Identity Memo if you or your dependant needs subsidised outpatient medical treatment in the meantime. Payment Procedures O Outpatient Treatment If you or your dependants produce the appropriate identification documents when receiving outpatient treatment at a Polyclinic or Government/Restructured Hospital, you will not need to make cash payments for your treatment, except for non-subsidised items. Your Ministry will pay your medical bill in full and recover your co-payment portion automatically from your salary. Important Notes: (1) If you notice any discrepancy in your bill, you should inform your Ministry’s Human Resource Department immediately. (2) If you do not produce the appropriate identification document, you will need to pay for your outpatient medical treatment in cash upfront and seek reimbursement from your Ministry’s Human Resource Department with the original bill and receipt. Notice: The SMA MO Committee would like to invite articles from Medical Officers/House Officers. If you have any queries, you are welcome to drop us an email at sma_org@pacific.net.sg. |